Benefits of Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery

A huge number of people in India suffer from arthritis which is the most common type of joint disorder. Such patients are often prescribed to go under knee replacement surgery. Very few hospitals have introduced robotic knee replacement in punjab which offers 100% precision and best result guaranteed. Knee pain not only limits our movements but also limit the life which is now can be defeated with this new technology of robotic knee replacement surgery. This offers way better outcomes compared to conventional knee replacement surgery.

Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Benefits of Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery:

  • More accurate implant positioning & alignment
  • Natural feeling knee after surgery
  • Small incisions, quicker recovery, less pain
  • Shorter hospital stays of 1-2 days only
  • Starts walk within 3 hrs post-surgery
  • Reduced risk of injury to adjacent tissues
  • Better long-term functionality

In the case of conventional knee surgery, it used to be prescribed for the patients aged 60 years or above where some patients use to report discomfort post-surgery. But in robotic knee replacement surgery, all such negative points have been eliminated as the robotic arm place the implant accurately just like a natural knee. More accurate positioning of the implant ensures the longevity of the implant and also comfortable functioning of the knee post robotic knee replacement surgery. While the traditional implant used to assure 97% accuracy, the new robotic arms assure of 100% accuracy. It understands the individual anatomy of every knee and places the implant accordingly. It does not cut the original knee but only eliminates the damaged part which intact natural feeling of the knee.
NHS Orthorbotics is one of the few centres to offer robotic knee replacement in punjab with its highly trained team of surgeons and medical staffs.

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